Welcome to learn2type educational app. This application is intended for schools, homeschooling and self-education for all those who want to pursue a future career in IT. In this application you will learn to type on the keyboard and English vocabulary.

Online keyboard typing speed test (wpm test)

Take a quick free keyboard typing test and see your typing speed. Find out how many words per minute [wpm] and keystrokes per second you have typed. To take the test, click on my learning progress icon 📈 in the upper left corner.

Keyboard typing practice & games

Learn to type with all 10 fingers. For best results, allways start with the finger memory exercise, then continue with the keyboard typing practice✍️. Finally choose any game or English lesson you wish. If you follow this simple routine each day for only 15 minutes, you will proceed very fast.

Learn English

Practice spelling and pronunciation of over 800 English words. Learn the most common words used in everyday communication. In English lessons, you will learn the most frequently used expressions in the following areas: people and society, products, food and drink, travel, animals, nature and geography.


I would like to credit the following web resources for the knowledge, services or media used in this app:

DynaPuff |  Noto Color Emoji (Apache License)

Most of the graphics in this app is served by the Noto Color Emoji Font. Yet still there are some image files.
The images used in this application are subject to the same type of license as their original. Click on the image in the app to see its source, autor & license, if not mentioned bellow.
Geography lessons images source: Wikimedia commons
Other lessons images: pixabay.com | freepik.com | icons8.com  | svgrepo.com | Wikimedia commons
Spaceguard background image: by PIRO4D via pixabay.com
Some of the loading graphics by loading.io

phonetic alphabet: soundoftext.com | effects: mixkit.co  | Pixabay

Color Ideas
encycolorpedia.com | colorhunt.co | coolors.co | blog.hubspot.com 

Coding Resources & 3rd party services
stackoverflow | MDN | chatGPT | w3schools | javascript.info | zealdocs | matomo

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